Solutions / Identity, Biometrics, Verifications

Social Security Traces

No Stone Unturned: Demystifying Social Security Number Traces and Understanding Biometric Screening Options

Social Security Number (SSN) Traces are a cornerstone of many background checks and a starting point to verify an applicant’s identity and history. SmartHRCheqs™ sheds light on what SSN Traces entail as well as new options tied to Biometric Identity Verification and their role in a comprehensive pre-employment screening strategy.

The AI era and a surge in digital fraud demand hiring adaptations. Background checks are a powerful way to ensure that we are hiring safe and trustworthy people, but what happens when erroneous or fraudulent information is provided by candidates? Fraud rates exceed 7% among all job candidates, inaccurate data is the leading cause of background-check delays, and $10.2 billion was spent on losses associated with identity fraud.*

* GlobeNewswire. (2023, July 18). Job Applicants Misrepresenting Themselves During the Reference Checking Process is Up Four-Fold,; Identity Theft Resource Center. (n.d.). 2023 Identity Theft Facts and Statistics.

1. What is an SSN Trace and what information does it reveal?

An SSN Trace is a compilation of various public and private sources, including voter registration records, credit bureau information, and even U.S. Postal Service mail-forwarding records. This search aims to do the following:

  • Verify Social Security number validity: Confirm the SSN’s legitimacy and issuance by the Social Security Administration.
  • Uncover alternate identities: Identify any aliases or previous names associated with the SSN, such as maiden names.
  • Match SSN with address and date of birth: Ensure consistency between the SSN, reported address, and date of birth.
2. Are SSN Traces the same as Credit Reports?

No, SSN Traces differ significantly from credit reports. SSN Traces focus on identity verification and basic historical data, while credit reports delve into an individual’s credit history, including loans, credit card usage, and payment behavior.

3. What are the advantages of using SSN Traces vs. Biometric Identity Searches in background checks?

SSN Traces offer several benefits for employers:

  • Enhanced verification: SSN Traces provide an initial layer of verification of an applicant’s identity and basic biographical details.
  • Lead generation: Information gleaned from SSN Traces, such as alternate names and addresses, can guide further investigative steps in the background-screening process.
  • Cost-effective starting point: Compared to more in-depth background checks, SSN Traces are a relatively cost-effective way to initiate the screening process.
4. How does SmartHRCheqs™ use SSN Traces in background checks?

We leverage SSN Traces strategically as part of a comprehensive background check strategy. SSN Trace results are used to confirm identity and generate leads for further investigation, ensuring a thorough and accurate screening process.

Ask about our newly launched Enhanced SSN Trace, which adds an additional layer of red flags in certain geographical regions that should be researched. Driven by technology and recent enhancements, this new tool is a great way to determine if your candidate has had red flags or criminal activity in certain regions of the United States. While it does require additional research if a record is developed, it’s a great way to add an additional level of due diligence when a region has a possible match that hasn’t been identified through the standard Social Security Trace.